Awards 2024-08-23T10:37:56+01:00

Awarded Photography

I am a qualified award winning member of The Society Of Photographers.

I have been working towards my Licentiate Qualification for the past year.  This is something that I have been passionate about while gaining recognition for my landscape photography.  As a professional photographer I always question my abilities and don’t think my work is good enough compared to others.  This qualification proves to me that it is good enough and that we should all be confident in our abilities and photograph what we love regardless. 

It also solidifies all the hard work that I put into my photography and the attention to detail that I capture within my landscapes.

A panel of 20 images are submitted and judged on impression, technique, camera craft, composition, lighting and input.  I have thoroughly enjoyed this process and am honoured to be awarded this qualification.

Licentiate Qualification Panel Video